1) Download the zip file to your PC
2) Extract into a directory you have full access to, for example, Documents\VistaXXX (Vista127 in this example)
3) View the files in the directory, and double click on vistaTN3270.chm, which is the Help file, as shown below:
4) Depending on your system protection, you may see the following. If you do, uncheck the Always ask before opening this file option, then click Open and the Help file data should appear.
Why do you need to do this? chm (help) files are considered risky by Windows for some reason.
5) Now double click vistaTN3270.exe to start Vista running. Depending on your system protection, you may see this evil message:
There seems to be nothing you can do, but click the More Info option at the top, and you should be able to Run Anyway.
This is Windows telling you not to trust me or my programs. Hopefully by now you've decided to ignore the evil warnings.
Depending on your system, you may have no Run Anyway option. In that case you'll probably need to talk with your Windows admin in order to run vistaTN3270.exe. Or better, talk to them about allowing the standard install exe to run.
6) Once Vista is running and the Help file is working, you're really ready to click the File/ReconnectAsk menu and enter your mainframe connection information. But you might want to also drag and drop vistaTN3270.exe to your desktop while holding the left Shift and Ctrl keys. That tells Windows to allow you to create a shortcut on the desktop, which is what you want. That way you can just click that shortcut without having to navigate to Documents\VistaXXX
Vista is designed to run without admin capability. In fact, the only admin authority required is when you run the installation exe and install into the default (protected) c:\Program Files (x86)\TomBrennanSoftware directory. You can bypass the need for admin auth at install time by changing that directory to something your id has authority to write to, such as Documents\Vista129
Note there will be no uninstall option in the Programs and Features Windows settings. To uninstall, just delete the exe directory, desktop shortcut, and you're done.